Civic Society

When and Where

Once a month 7.30pm – 9.30pm See calendar below for our meeting schedule

Further Information

Civic Society

What We Do

We provide a line up of interesting meetings for you to participate in and enjoy!

Everyone is welcome to attend Civic Society meetings including non-members who will be asked to make a small voluntary contribution. This is redeemable against a subscription if you join on the night.

All members with email addresses are sent a reminder a few days before each meeting. If you would also like a reminder please send an email now and we will send you a memory jogger too.

The Society holds monthly meetings from September to May (but not in December) each year to provide maximum opportunities to discuss matters of direct concern to Bollington. If there is a particular subject you would like considered at a future meeting then please email the committee.

Contact Details

Chairperson: Ted Clunn
Vice Chairperson:
Joint Secretary: Chris Kettlety (email)
Joint Secretary: Chris Brear
Treasurer: Alan Wilson
Membership: Richard Brimelow (email)
Committee: Robert Bosmith, Philip Warburton, Bernard Challoner, Ken Edwards
A sub-committee chaired by Graham Barrow is responsible to the main committee for the management of the  Discovery Centre .


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